Submission Of Articles
Authors are invited to submit papers for upcoming journal release of JCT International Journal. Papers submitted must be your work originally and must not have been published previously. Papers must be in the format as in the Word below. We suggest you not to send the same article in more than one journal at a time.
Paper Submit to : editorjctjournal@gmail.com
Frequency Of Publication
JCT International Journal is published as a Monthly journal with 12 issues per year. Special editions are also planned subject to the scope and need.
Article Processing
Authors can easily submit “Digital Copyright form” of their manuscript. You need not print or scan the copyright form. All you have to do enter your “Unique Tracking Code” that you have received in your acceptance email in the space provided below. This will generate your Copyright form.
Once you have verified the information on that pre-generated copyright form, attach a copy of any Govt. issued or approved ID card and click submit
The facts and views in the article will be of the authors and they will be totally responsible for authenticity, validity and originality etc. The authors should give an undertaking while submitting the paper that the manuscripts submitted to the journal have not been published and have not been simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere and manuscripts are their original work. That if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher…